Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"lets get married..."

lol, I love music
I know i have a song somewhere that literally says that. I'll have to find it
One of my really good lookin, really sweet friends got married yesterday. 
Oh well, at least shes a pretty woman too lol

I wanna get married. 
Yeup. I do <-- pun intended
Im done with the whole dating shit. 
The dealing with lil boys
and gettin fed up with them
I so just want to settle down and be happy. 
Everyone around me either is married or is getting married and its just not fair.
I would make a good wife. 
I dont wanna be "wifey"
WIFE. <-- no "y", its not meant to be cutesy. 
In all seriousness. 

I couldnt really see myself marrying outside of the military either
Hell, its all ive ever known as far as dating. 
Every guy I've ever seriously dated is in the military. 
I know the military pretty well by now.
Im constantly surrounded by it.
I mean, right now, Brian is over seas, and he is my best friend. 

I could totally be a military wife.
The only part that would suck is moving away from my family
and being completely at the whim of who ever is in command. 
But I can do it. I can cook, I can clean. 
Well, i hate cooking, I can, but i hate it. 
I can be supportive. 
(as if i havent already proved that) 

But then I think...
What happens if... I dont want that person anymore? 
Ive always told myself im not getting a divorce. 
But life may or may not have other plans. 

People prolly think that, at not even 20 years old
i have no idea what Im talking about.
But I do.
I know marriage is no joke. 
I know marriage is meant to be forever. 
Which is why i think, should you chose to get married,
make sure you can have a partnership with the person.
Yea, you should love the person
But passion is not enough.
You have to be willing to work at it
every single day. 
Be there for eachother all the time
Pick up the slack when the one side cant do or give for whatever reason
Marriage is not a game. 
And i want that. I want it all.

Though, I dont want to sit through a deployment all by myself...
That would suck
While my husband is gone,
to just have to deal with him being gone.
I would probably come back to my family so i wouldnt have to be alone. 
Unless there are kids involved...
then i might just have to suck it up and stay on base

Why is my 19yo brain thinking this far ahead? 

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