Friday, April 1, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

I do NOT understand why they are called wisdom teeth. 
I do not get ANY smarter because these unneeded extra teeth plague my existence. 
And Yes, I am going to dedicate a whole (well, half) blog entry to bitching and complain about how much they hurt and how bitchy I am going to be until something is done about them. 

So, on a normal basis, I clench my teeth. (not grind, clench) 
I tend to only do this in my sleep, and then, only when I am supremely stressed out. 
But thats a different kind of ache. 

This ache, in my jaw, is annoying as fuck!
And because it aches, I feel the need to clench my teeth, which... dear Lord
Hurts like a bitch. 

Of course, this reminds me of the day, back when i was like, 14 maybe 15 years old and I had Xrays done on my back
and while the DR looked at them, he informed me that my wisdom teeth would one day hurt really bad
well, im pretty sure its one day


On top of that, Ive managed to rub a raw spot in my lip from biting it too much
(bad habits. at least i dont bite my nails)
Umm... yea

So onto another subject
If one more person claims that they are gonna be with me one day
Im gonna cut them
The more people say they are going to do or be ANYthing involving me
the more I pull away

I dont want to be bothered by anyone. 
I dont want anyone to express their undying love they've had since day one 
(cause, its bull shit)
I dont want anyone to ask me if i think we could possibly get together in the future
(cause idk, and idc, and If i havent made a move yet, chances are, i probably wont)
I dont want to even THINK about marriage anymore 
(partly cause, I seriously doubt if thats gonna happen anytime soon, if ever)
Sure as HELL am done with the military guys
(my life isnt cut out for theirs)

I'll talk
I'll flirt
Maybe go on a date here or there
But im done getting/being close with people. 
Its overrated. 

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