Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Starting off..

Ive actually done this before, but stopped because things got way out of hand (a very hard lesson to learn indeed lol) Now im back because im passive aggressively craving attention and I know some of you will actually read this in an attempt to figure me out :)

So as i wait for my boyfriend, who im sure went against my advise and his own and stayed up all hours of the night and didnt even wake up when i called him... I shall begin what will most likely turn into a rant page/bragging about my sisters page/blogging about other bloggers because their blogs make me laugh page :)

So lets talk about mi familia. Mom, Dad, Me, 2 younger sisters and a ridiculous extended family.
But we'll focus on who actually lives with me:
Momma (Kim)
Daddy (Dwayne)
Me (Michelle) (19)
Medium Sister (Sarah) (9)
Baby Sister (Makayla) (18 months)

You are looking at the numbers like "omg are those their ages?" Yes. VERY spaced out... Makes for a very interesting house hold lol
I go to college and I work (if you can call it that. I work at a daycare playing house with 15 or so children) and clearly with 2 much younger sisters (as well as a few much younger cousins) playing house really isnt that hard. I love my job to death (i have been very lucky in that department. Loving my job. How many people can say that?) i only wish it paid more. Oh well, for part time, I'll live with it for now.

Well thats a bit about me, next blog will probably be about my sisters because i do love them oh so much


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