Sunday, January 30, 2011

*deep breath* *Woooooossssaaa*

Lets just say i got so frustrated that i accidentally erased the whole blog i had already typed.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Am Beautifully Flawed

I am going to write this in red. Because red is a dominate color. It stands for power.  
And this indeed, Is empowering. 

First, I'll start off with
I hate my body. 
But not for the reason a lot of girls my age and younger hate their bodies. 
I have always been a small girl. 
And now, i am even smaller. And I hate it. 
I actually try to put on weight. Size 1 jeans? 
What happened to my size 4s and 5s? 
I was happy with myself then. 
But the first round of birth control tried to kill me. 
My lowest weight after that BC was 112. 
Thats low for a 5'5 female. Not underweight, by DR standards, but low. 
Before the BC, i was 130. 
Big difference. 
Since ive gotten off that BC and onto something different, I have leveled out at around 115. Sometimes higher sometimes lower. 
Not good enough. 
Despite everyone telling me that I have the perfect body and they'd kill to look like me. 
I am, in some ways, just like every other female. 
I look in the mirror and see all the things I dont like about myself. 
All the things I use to wish I could hide. 
But, alas,
That is another difference. 
I do not hate my flaws. I accept everything about myself that I cant change. 
I still dislike my thighs and my ass... covered in stretch marks. 
They have been that way for as long as i can remember. 
I still dislike the scars on my back
I still dislike my smile... I use to beg for braces as a kid. 
I still dislike my lips, for that one mark on them that has been there forever...
But as I dislike them, I also know that I cant change them. They are a part of me and have been for possibly longer than I can remember. 
I accept these flaws about myself. 
I have learned to love them somewhat, as they set me apart from everyone else. 
The freckle in my left eye
the two snake bite freckles on my right cheek bone and on my right arm.
The beauty mark on my right shoulder and on my left heel
the scar on my left wrist from the damn cat
The scar on my back from the stitches
All the little chicken pox scars that litter my skin all over my body

All these flaws. 
But i accept them. I cherish them as a part of myself. 
I, like so many other people, entered at one point, that one abusive relationship where the guy would tell me about my flaws. Where he would point them out every day and make fun of me for them. 
He was always "just playing"
But there is always truth between every JK
I walked on egg shells around him, trying my hardest to hide those flaws or distract him from them. 
I did the dress nice every single day and wear tons of makeup all the time thing. 

But you know, there comes a point in time where you say enough is enough. 
Where you look him in the face and say FUCK YOU
I am 
Michelle Katherine Genevieve Dixon
and I love and accept myself and all my flaws and just who the fuck are you to tell me I am not perfect?
I am perfect in myself. 
And I may not be perfect for you, But someone out there is going to find me and love me and adore everything about me...
Even my flaws. 
And that someone isnt going to remind me about the things I dislike about myself
he will not tell me there is anything he doesnt like about me.
Because i will be perfect in his eyes.
Perfect for him. 

The one lesson that I try to tell my girlfriends is that you cannot possibly expect someone else to love you, if you do not love yourself. 
If you cannot love yourself, it becomes nearly impossible to give love to someone else and thus impossible to accept the love they have to give. 
Because if you love yourself, then it doesnt matter what other people think. 
Just because that one person rejected me
it didnt cause me to be depressed, to be overly self conscious, or go to drastic measures to change myself. 
I still wear shorts, despite my stretch marks.
I still smile a full smile, despite the flaws
I dont hide my mouth (though im not sure how i would even if i wanted to) because of the mark on my lip. 


"I am beautiful, in every single way. Words cant bring me down. I am beautiful, no matter what they say. no words wont bring me down"

And, I think, that that is all. 

Still Homesick

Home... where are you?
a place where i left a part of my heart...
this place here... is not really true.
it was always you, i knew it from the start...

crisp blue water...?
no, rather the muddy brown of a well traveled river...
no big huge yaht...
no, rather the breath taking speed of a small whirlwind.

i'd rather not buy my crabs...
no, i'll catch them myself...
lets string up the trot line
and bring in the "wealth"

I miss the land
where i use to run, free of worry
i miss the sand
where i could lay, not in a hurry

Long days, rising before the sun
out on the liquid gold
preparing for a crab run
but these crabs were not to be sold

Coming in before the blaze of the day
the crabs are fighting
but its time to season them with beer and oldbay
put the lid on the pot and start the fire lighting

What more could a little country girl ask for?

I miss my land
so vast, never ending
i knew it like the back of my hand
In the woods, all my time i'd be spending.

I miss running the trails
getting lost, but knowing exactly how to get home
the clouds looking like huge sails
& always collecting pinecones.

So much i could say about this old place
where my name is writtin in the dirt
and my heart will always have its base
but in no ones eyes but my own will it have so much worth.

-me (9/14/10)

I will always love hoco. the people, the places.
But my heart will always reside in southern md.
I will always want my farm back
I will always crave the smell of a salty river
No one will ever appreciate crabs as much as I (except my mother lol)
I will always enjoy fishing and still be oogied out about trying to get the fish off the hook.
I will never have a problem jumping into a river, unless it hasnt rained in a week or so...
because in that case there will be too many jellyfish.
The ocean will never be good enough, its not a substitute.
The city will never love me...
I will never like people enough to be stuffed into a small space with them
I will forever want to buy my own farm and stick my house right smack in the middle of the land.
And until all these things happen again, i will never be 100% happy...
Close? maybe... but not complete.
I will always run around with no shoes on...
I will climb trees barefoot until my bones tell me i cant.
I will always prefer to read in a tree then at a table.
My fear of the dark will haunt me for life...
But i miss being able to truly see the stars..
in a place where street lights dont exist.

This is just who I am... I can like other things, but i will always love this... <3

It hits me now, that the decisions I am making in my life, that places I intend to go, very well may mean I man never see another "bushy basket" again. (Bushy Basket- Bushel Barrel). Crabbing? I may never be able to do that again... I desperately want to go back home. Not to live, but to visit. I miss the water. The briney salty smell of the river. Low tide lol. The feel of the wind whipping my hair as Im driving the boat towards the island. The sun, kissing my skin, but i am going to fast for it to overheat me. I miss anchoring in the dead middle of the river and having a picknick in the direct sunlight. I miss really crabbing. Throwing the trot line off the side and letting the chicken necks tide to it do the work. Then scooping them up and throwing them in the boat, hoping you made it into the basket, most of the time you didnt. So there were 

I am going to make Brian or someone take me back home. I have to revel in my past, and I also want to share it. I want my significant other to know where I came from. Even if he doesnt share the same love for it that I do. He at least should know, See, feel, experience.

I need to see feel experience it again...Somedays, i just get soooo homesick :P 

Friday, January 28, 2011

G.I. Joe

Is my favoritest movie in the whole friggin world
Channing Tatum
One delicious white boy.
Oooh be still my beating heart

Doughnuts at work today?
Um, score?
I do, however, wish they would tell me when they are over staffed so that im not sitting around bored out of my mind. 
I hate it when one of the kids decides to attach to me, and then I have to leave the room, and damn regulations wont let me take them with me. 
like, the fuck?
Just sayin
you know, I only worked with an autistic kid and was left alone with him more often than not for over a year.
Anyway. W/e. Im not bitter. 

I am losing my patience. 
The frustration... is...building
I am going to implode. 
(not explode. that would mean something hit me and i went boom...)
Detonation is imminent
(meaning, from the inside) 
I have to find a way to relieve the pressure. Or. I. Might Die. 
Ok, not really. 
But still. 
The dreams at night
are not helping either. 
Nor was the random off the chain conversation with a friend.
Or this mornings conversation with Brian...
fuck chocolate syrup. shits not the good anyway. 
Icee's (slurpie, slushie) are much better 
Just sayin....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day :D

So, today has been a pretty good day :)
So i figured Id actually blog about something positive for once. 
Like really hot, really rich hot chocolate after being outside runnin around after the baby in the snow

Snow Days on Howland Road are always so very amusing. 
All the children are out in full force. 
On the side of the row of houses there is a slight hill. 
And they all snow board and do stupid shit they would never do on a legit hill lol
They dont have the balls like My cousins and I when we were kids lmao
Slidin down a steep ass hill, prayin you stop before you hit the not quite frozen creek at the bottom lol
teasin eachother to see who would stay on their sled longest before jumping off out of fear. 
You will always look back and say "was i really that stupid?"
But it was fun then. And yeup, if i could go back to my farm and do it again
I would in a heart beat. 

Makayla didnt really like sledding that much. I think it scared her at first. But we didnt really give her time to prepare either. Just stuck her on the sleigh and sent her down the hill.
...No... Not alone. 
Jessica was holding onto her

She really loved eating the snow though. 
I mean, REALLY

my baby cracks me up
Dont know who taught her to eat snow like that... but you know... whatever floats her boat. 

This baby amazes me. Shes grown up so much. Its hard to believe she will be 2 in June. I will be 20 and Sarah will be 10 in July. 
Where did the time go?
I remember when Sarah was Makayla's age.
And when Makayla was teeny tine, just coming home from the hospital. 
Watchin those two grow up for the age advantage I have has been quite a show. 
Especially with Makayla. Really learning what its like to raise a baby. 
But Sarah teaches me what its like to raise a tween (its hell)
I can only hope that one day, hopefully in 4 or 5 years, When i have my own little brown babies
All the practice and training will make it a little easier on me then on most first time parents. 
I hope it makes me a really good Mommy. 
I mean, I pride myself on being Super Big Sissy
I see, hear and know all things.
It wasnt until Makayla came around that I understood the phrase "Moms have eyes in the back of their heads"
Its so true. 
I am hyper aware of ever little sound
and even more aware of the absence of sound
I always know where she is and what she is doing. 
Mom gets annoyed. 
But im like, yo, forreal, if you would watch your kid, i wouldnt have to. 
Dont yell at her because you were staring at the computer so long you didnt realize she had gone all the way up 2 flights of steps. 
Kayla never does that on my watch.
Of course,
Kayla also listens when i tell her no, and come here. 
I cant wait to be a mommy. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

RIP Pinky

Maurel Loann Domingo
My son. My Best Friend. My Personal Psychologist.
And now, My Angel. 
We only had a short time together. 
But I cherish every memory. 
Ha, especially Prom '08
That was so funny. He had be crackin up out there on the dance floor. 
All through Spanish class, 1st pd.
My junior year. 
He would talk to me for all 50 mins of that class during the first quarter of school that year. Because i was so painstakingly shy and he was determined to get me to open up. 
He was the guy that told me "Chell, if you ever let a guy hit it, he's not going to give a shit about your stretch marks" 
Of course he said that with his thick I-just-came-from-Africa-3-years-ago accent lol
I was so caught off guard. 
It doesnt matter that he was right lol
I loved that boy with my whole heart and soul

He was such a good soul too. So sweet and honest and innocent. He was an angel on this earth. 
We talked about religion. He was religious, Christian. 
And we'd talk about it, but he never forced it. 
I remember him and Shannon going at it, cause she is Morman lol

I remember having to call him to wake him up in the mornings, so he would get to school on time. And how, after a while of that, he finally was able to get up on his own and didnt need me and he would come to school and sit down before the bell rang and smile at me lol 
I was there for his graduation. 
And we still had a great bond when he went to NC for college. 
We'd talk all the time about what was goin on in my life, what was goin on in his life. We always counselled eachother on eachothers relationships. 

And then... In March.... The most crushing news ive ever gotten. I will never forget a single detail about this day...

You know, its Saint Patricks Day, Im up before the sun, gettin showered and dressed to go to school. Made sure i had all my green stuff on, grab my bag and go out the door. Head up the street and turn, headin towards the bus stop. About to cross the street and turn left and I see bright ass head lights in front of me and watch them as they turn into a near by parking space. Its then that my eyes adjust and i notice its Keenan's truck. I am very confused, because Keenan doesnt attend HS anymore, so he shouldnt even be awake at this hour. He gets out of the truck, but then i hear to more doors close. From the other side of the truck comes Josh (my bf at the time) and Natalie (my best girlfriend at the time). I take one look at Josh's face and immediately know something is very wrong. 
All three of them looked like they had been up all night. They just kept looking at me until i finally started to panic and Natalie grabbed my hands and looked me right in the face and said the classic line "you might wanna sit down"
"Maurel is dead"
"he died last night"

*que mental break down*

I have never known pain so raw, so intense, so white hot I wanted to die too. 
I crumpled to the ground, sobbing and Nat tried to hold me up, but i didnt want to stand. Josh and Keenan coming to comfort me, but i pushed them away, needed to grieve alone. In the middle of the street, with the sun starting to rise. I do no know if the other kids at the bus stop saw me. And at the time, i didnt care. I was dying inside and i was trying to hold myself together. I dont know how long I sat curled up on the ground until i was finally somewhat stable enough to stand up again and ask what happened, when why and how. 
I was told he was playing basketball, and lost conscienceness. . They thought it was a heart attack.  I cried, in their arms, barely noticing the bus pass. I finally pulled myself a little more together to realize that I should go home. So Josh walked me to the door (this was after the first wave of drama with him) and Mom and Dad were awake, getting ready for their days, so they heard the door open. So by the time i got up the stairs and knocked on their door. Mom had looked out the window and seen Josh, so her first words when she opened the door her first words were "omg baby what did he do to you?"
I just shook my head, still sobbing, tears pouring, and studdered out " mom... he died, he died"
*que alarmed look on moms face*


Saying it, saying his name, brought another wave of white hot pain as i crumpled on their bed. Mom, who had met and spoken to Maurel on several occasions, and knew how much he meant to me, took it as a blow too. Though Im pretty sure it was more a grieving for my grief than really for her own. 
Dad just asked if this was my first brush with death. 
Well. Yea. 
The comforted me as best they could, and eventually i went to my room. Already telling them I couldnt go to school. Mostly because I didnt want to see all the other people grieving. And i certainly didnt want to see those people who werent that close to him at all grieving over someone they didnt know. I would have gone postal. 
I sat in my room, on the floor, writing a long ass letter to Maurel, and to God. No longer violently sobbing, but just the steady stream of tears pouring down my cheeks on to the computer. Mom checks on me periodically. 
After a while, i cant stand being alone so i go in the basement and just sit with her. By now ive stopped crying. Just feeling empty. 
I am texting Josh. Him, Keenan and Nat are still up the street, staying close for emotional support. Out of all of us, Maurel and I were closest. 
Mom told me i could invite them inside to be with me. So they came in and sat with me. We all talked and shared memories and stories we each had with Maurel. It was good to remember him in a good light. I couldnt help but stare at the sky... thinking... "I hope you are happy, up there, with God. You deserve it"

He had been through so much, and he was still so pure. I thought that must be why God took him. He had done what he needed to do on this earth, so God rewarded him by taking him home early. At the ripe young age of 19. 
That was back in March 2009
I grieved. We all grieved. I went back to school the next day, and the day after that, a bunch of us that were very very close with Maurel skipped 1st pd and met in the library. We talked about him, Tristan and another kid sang a song for him, bringing all of us to tears. We sat around and hugged eachother, exchanging stories. No one dared to move us. 
I thought i would want to die forever. But slowly, the pain recedes. 
Days, weeks months. It gets better, up until graduation. May... i wanna say 25th. 
It hits me that Maurel wont be there. While he was alive, he had promised me and several others that he'd attend our graduation. 
At first i wavered, saddened and now even more nervous. 
But as the graduation song started and my line started moving, i knew he was there. Im pretty sure hes why I didnt fall down the stairs (all like 80 some odd of them) 
I knew he was there. My Angel. 

Now, almost 2 years, 1 anniversary  and 2 of his birthdays later
I do not feel the same white hot pain. 
It is a dull ache. Nestled in my heart. Certain things remind me of him. The song, from the previous post. As well as the song "Hole In The Floor Of Heaven"
I cant listen to that song. At all. Its not an option. But thats for another entry. 

I miss my Maurel. My Pinky 
(Oh, the nickname pinky came from an argument him, Josh and I had about Pinky and the Brain. it just seemed to fitting to name this 6'7 dark chocolate straight from africa boy, Pinky lol)
My Best Friend, My Personal Psychologist, My Son. 
My Guardian Angel. 

I Love You Pinky
RIP <3 

Am I Crazy?

I hate this song:
Im Already There (Messages From Home)- Lonestar

I hate it, I hate it , I hate it. 
I hate when it comes on the radio. 
I hate when it comes on my ipod, even though i cant delete it. 

Ive hated it for years, since Maurel died. Its always reminded me of him, its something he would say. And that alone makes me cry. But i hadnt heard this "messages from home" version. Which about killed my heart and soul. 
It just came on my pandora, I thought of Brian, and broke. Something in me broke. Especially when the one woman near the end said "hurry up and come home so we can get married" and you could hear the tears in her voice. 
I hate this song, I hate this song, i hate this song. OMG i hate this song. 
It makes me cry, every single friggin time.

I dont hate this song. I hate the memories it stirs up. And Brian being deployed is not helping this song out. 
This song is going to make me kill myself. 
One day, when my husband is deployed, I am going to hear this song, and lose my mind. 

I think, I must be crazy. For willingly entering this life. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Dare You

Sometimes... you cant figure out how to say what it is you need. 
And its not because you dont want to ask
but because you dont have the words.
And then, you stumble upon a song. 
Possibly a song you've known since you were a kid.
And its perfect. 

So heres to words I never knew needed saying:

God only knows how I've needed a friend
Who can see through the boldness and pride
Someone strong enough to put my faith in
Someone willing to let me inside
So be a man
And be my man

I dare you to need me like nobody else
I dare you to feel me like you've never felt
I dare you to want to want
Want to be good to me

Baby you've got your reasons dangling from kite strings
Can you open your hands and let them fly
I know you won't always say and do the right things
But some things are worth a try
If you can
Be my man

I dare you to know me like I've never known
I dare you to show me that I can be shown
Dare you to want to want
Want to be good to me

Tell me I'm
Tell me I'm the one who deserves you
And every time
Every time you know that you want to
Yeah, I dare you

I dare you to hold me like you never will-again
Kiss me and leave the earth standing still
Dare you to want to want

I dare you to need me like nobody else
I dare you to feel me like you've never felt
Dare you to want to want
Want to be good to me

I dare you to want to want
Want to be good to me

Does any more really need to be said? It doesnt get better than that. 
I Dare You.

Llama Llama Duck

^^^^Watch it. It will save your soul^^^^

 you could also lose a few brain cells.



Why am I in a giddy mood? 
Because who doesnt love waking up to

"Good Morning Beautiful"


Mornings will never be Good. It will always take me a good half hour to really get myself awake. I will always be silent and slightly mean for the half hour, and i will be angry because my brain doesnt function when i first wake up, making my life frustrating. I will always love coffee and all the sugary goodness i put in it. And a half hour after ive gotten up, i will appreciate the effort he put into makin my morning "good". 

I hate him. Cause it wasnt supposed to happen. But i guess it was inevitable. When you go through hell and back with someone, it kind of forms that bond. (when you get up at 3am to drive to VA to pick him up. if that doesnt scream special bond, nothing does) 
Hes that simple kind of wonderful. 
That perfection that you dont want to believe in because... you've been burned too many times and you believe that nearly perfect doesnt exist. 
I can honestly call him my best friend. 
Never sure if i believe in soul mates. better halves. all that.
But he is definitely my best friend.
No, we dont know everything little thing about each other.
But we have been there for each other. Simple, honest support and love
He does not make life complicated. 
Its refreshing. 
Why cant i ever control myself? 
I had it all logically figure out
my heart said "fuck yo logic"


Monday, January 24, 2011

& Just Who The Hell Are You?

Who the hell are you?
   To decide how to raise this child...
Who the hell are you?
   To tell his mother what is best...
Who the hell are you?
   to give your opinion when it wasnt asked for
Who the Hell are you?
   To tell her you wont support her decision because it is not what you said you wanted
Who the hell are you?
   To do everything in your power to spite her
Who the hell are you?

You... are nobody. You are some random person sitting in a plush office with your perfectly healthy children (if you have children) telling this mother how to help her special needs child.

And Just Who The Hell Are You?

You get up and you work your 9-5 and go home. Her day starts whenever her son decides to wake up. And it doesnt end until she finally wrestles him into the bed. During your day you sit in your office, at the back of the school and do paperwork.
During her day, she deals with force-feeding. Emotional breakdowns, violent temper tantrums, medication, and getting dressed. This is all for her oldest son. We havent even touched the other two children, let alone taking care of herself or her diabetic husband.
Dinner might be quiet at your house... it is always chaos at hers. Bed time at your house may be a bath and a kiss goodnight, maybe a story or two. Bed time at her house is a bath, yea... but the water rarely stays in the tub. It may mean pajamas... after shes dragged him from the tub to his room, kicking and screaming... It may mean brushing of the teeth, while shes fighting against him pulling her hair or trying to bite her. It may mean laying down in bed... after he's had his medication and its finally started to effect him.

She deals with these trials all day every day.

So who the hell are you to tell her how she should and shouldnt raise her son? 

I am trying very hard to write this in a... mature manor. I would really love to be all like "fuck this fuck that fuck the other" yada yada yada

But then I'd just sound like an idiot. Which I am not.
I may not be a mother of an autistic/special needs child. And no, I am not a mother at all. But i am a sister, friend, cousin, care provider.
My 11yo cousin, Ethan, is one of the most important people in my life. I grew up with him from birth, when i was 8yo. We lived under the same roof for years. I worked with him for over a year as his instructor. I have seen the good, the bad and the really super ugly. I have been kicked, punched, pinched, bitten, hair pulled, scratched, the whole 9 yards. I have had to drag his dead weight up stairs, fight him to give him a bath, brush his teeth or go to bed. I have been peed on and had to change his poopy pants. I have gone out of my way to accommodate his OCD's and obsessions. I have wrestled him to the ground in a public place because he decided that was where he wanted to have a fit. I have stared people down when they looked at him funny because of his behaviors and dared them to say something. I have bucked at people who side step him like he has the plague.
Yes, it is very challenging to care for my Ethan.

But how can you deny that face?

His laugh, his smile, his random tackle-me-to-the-ground hugs, his random "I love yous", every infinitesimal improvement, every new word he learns to say, all the little things he gets so excited about. 

They make all the bad stuff, worth it. When he walks up, sits all 70-some odd pounds of himself into your lap, places his hands on both of your cheeks and smiles that wide smile because he wants to tell you something... makes even the worst day worth getting up for.

My Ethan did not ask to be this way. He only asks to be loved and taken care of. He only wants to be accepted, just like everyone else.

So it sets a fire, deep in my soul, to hear how the Anne Arundle school system is not doing anything to actively help him. In fact they are making getting him help so very difficult for his mother.

So again, the question begs...

Just who the hell are you?

It truly kills me, to see people treat kids/anyone with special needs as if they arent human. It makes me so angry. The children with Autism/special needs in my life are the most special of all the kids in my life. They always bring me so much joy to watch them beam over the smallest success. Do not be one of those ignorant people. Trust and believe, some of these kids are smarter than some of us

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Im Movin On

"I'm Moving On"

I've dealt with my ghosts and I've faced all my demons
Finally content with a past I regret
I've found you find strength in your moments of weakness
For once I'm at peace with myself
I've been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long
I'm movin' on

I've lived in this place and I know all the faces
Each one is different but they're always the same
They mean me no harm but it's time that I face it
They'll never allow me to change
But I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belong
I'm movin' on

I'm movin' on
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me
And I know there's no guarantees, but I'm not alone
There comes a time in everyone's life
When all you can see are the years passing by
And I have made up my mind that those days are gone

I sold what I could and packed what I couldn't
Stopped to fill up on my way out of town
I've loved like I should but lived like I shouldn't
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road
I'm movin' on

I'm movin' on
I'm movin' on 

Well well well, Aw bloody hell

My DR, counselor, therapist, life coach lady thing...
(we'll just call her Vanessa, for times sake)
wants me to write a letter to Francis...
Which, I have done before, just to say what I never said to him...
you know, i never sent it. 
And i think i still have it somewhere... 
But maybe it is time I wrote another one. 
Prolly wont send it, ever
But, Maybe shes right. Maybe i just need to write it all down and figure out what Im still hurt over....

She kind of pulled up a lot of things yesterday... things i didnt even realize until well after the appointment and was just thinking about it. 
Like.. how im still a little (alot) bitter that my mom lied to me. for 14.8 years
That 2 wholes sides of "family" lied to me for 14.8 years. 
(we're estimating 14.8 cause i was only a couple months away from 15 when my world flipped upside down)

Anyway... new subject. 
You know how some things just SCREAM Bad Idea?
This is one of them. Like, how you gonna let that psycho woman anywhere near you? 
You gave her your number... I think.. you have finally gone of the deep end. 
As if what she has done to me already wasnt enough?
I super glued, gorilla glued, scotch tape, ducttaped, frozen and burned that can...
and here you are, totally about to rip the shit back open
Are you friggin Stupid?
You say "I'll handle it, if she starts to say anything"
She shouldnt even be given the chance to start to say anything
As if telling me i need help, telling me im a whore, telling me i need meds, telling me that I AM THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO LET GO
When she is the one reading all 67 entries of my former blog
Telling me that she is concerned for the little bitches life because i might actually snap and go after her...
The little bitch is the one who started this shit!?!
Also. just, you know, side note
Lil bitch and Homie live in NORTH CARO_FUCKING_LINA
its not with me
Im still in MD
Ok. Moving on. 

Next Subject
Dad. I really, really, really hate When you cook on sundays
I dont want to clean your forsaken mess after you made a breakfast i didnt want
Dad... I hate pancakes.
Ive told you this
Several times
Also... Not a fan of sausage. 
You know this too.
You make fun of me for it
WHY, dear father, WHY do you make sausage and not bacon?
Cant wait to move out. No more Pancakes and Sausage on sundays.

New Subject
Good topic this time
The Wizards Game Against The Celtics
Was a lot of fun
I knew Isiah would be a good candidate to go with. 
We had a blast. And whats better, All we had to pay for was food. Dad payed the tickets, Isiah's Gma gave us metro passes, already loaded. All we had to pay for was food. 
Which is expensive as shit all on its own. 
but, that was all. It was great.
Walk into the stadium and find out seats... look around... why is the Wizards Stadium Green??? 
We were out numbered by Celtics fan, easily, 5 to 1
Isiah and I
Were circled by Celtics fans all the way around lol
I was like...
Go back to Boston. 
lol :D
It was still a lot of fun. 
And Heeeeey, 4th quarter was fire
our boys dooked it out
And walked away with the win. 
All those celtics fans?
Psh. Showed up in full forces, left in tatters
Hell to the muh' fuckin yea.